Sandblasted Door Panels & Fanlights

Sandblasting is one way of etching glass that creates a look associated with frosted glass. Sand is naturally abrasive and when combined with fast moving air, will wear away at a surface. The longer the sandblasting technique is applied to an area, the more the sand will wear away at the surface and the deeper the cut.

Sandblasted Door Panels

Sandblasted glass is an ideal form of decorative glass for house names and numbers on door glass and in the panels of doors to provide privacy and create a unique design aesthetic…

Fully customisable with a wide array of shapes, fonts, designs and styles; get in touch to find out how we can help you with your Sandblasted door panel and fanlight needs…


Fanlights are rectangular or semi-circular windows above an existing door or window. Here at Glacien Glass we can customise the design of your fanlight using gold leaf, etching or sandblasting techniques to achieve your desired result…Take a look at our Blog Post on Sandblasting for more information!